Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Greatest American Davener, Part 1 of an occasional series

In Judaism, we are taught that on Rosh Hashanah, Hashem "writes" our fates for the coming year in the Book of Judgement (who will live, who will die, who will be prosperous, and so on), that on Yom Kippur it is "sealed", and at the end of Sukkot (Hoshana Rabbah) the decree is handed down by the Heavenly Court.

Well, Hashem was DEFINITELY speaking to me on Rosh Hashanah. I took off my glasses during Shema, to cover my eyes, and when I put them back on, the left temple broke off. During Yom Kippur, I was inspecting the right temple, and it broke off! (I can't wait to see what happens during Sukkot).

So while Hashem was definitely sending me a message, I've no idea what it is (other then GET NEW GLASSES!) and I've don't have the translation manual!

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